Study Says Crying Is Healthy And Empowering; Here Are Some Benefits

Scientists found out back in 1983 that people who cry out whatever it is that they need to cry out feel good and relieved afterward. A burden is unloaded from their minds, which is good for their mental health.

In an article published by The Hearty Soul, this study might be old, but it is timeless considering that still not a lot of people realize the healthy benefits of crying up to this day. Shedding a tear and being vulnerable shows how strong a person is and their resilience.

The American Psychological Association released this study in the 80's confirming the health benefits of crying. This activity could successfully clear a person's thoughts and rid them of anything that causes them to worry and be afraid of. Those who repress their emotions and stop themselves from crying could result in mental illness in the long run.

Crying could release all the stress and negative energy that their body has acquired in a day's work. Allowing yourself to cry means allowing your body to recharge to be able to get start anew.

WebMD confirmed this study that used just to be a theory and rumor. UCLA's clinical psychologist agrees how crying is healthy for the body, as it activates something in the system that results in the body regaining strength. He is trying to open a lock with a key, saying this activity opens one's mind leading to self-discovery.

Meanwhile, the Japanese learning about this study made them take this action on a level that they decided to put up crying clubs in some of their cities. These places are called rui-katsu and people come here to cry quietly. The club owners would pop up a sad movie to initiate the crying of their attendees. Those who have experienced this kind of place said that it has helped them relieved their stress.

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