Winter Blues: How Can Parents Beat It?

Parent Herald - How to battle seasonal depression, winter blues
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Winter blues, according to Psychology Today, is a real thing. This feeling is not like feeling depressed but rather feeling tired and flat.

According to research, women are affected by seasonal change more often than men. Experts believe that this could be due to evolution and biology or to the idea that women use winter as a wat to conserve energy for pregnancy and child-rearing.

Although winter blues is a real thing, parents still need to be on the go. So the most common question nowadays is how parents can beat winter blues?

Here are some of the ways on how parents can beat winter blues,

These steps are a result of a recent survey that showed to have worked for some people from all over the world:

Celebrate winter by going outside.

Although it is chilly outside, one of the best ways on how parents can beat winter blues is by going outside and celebrating this season, winter.

This step does not mean idling outside the house for the sake of being outside. Going outside could mean taking the dog for a walk outside every morning or appreciating the things or events happening outside the house.

According to studies, the experience of awe can boost one's mood. That means appreciating the marvels of nature, whatever the season is. And yes, that includes winter.

Stay positive and know that there will be a new day tomorrow.

One way parents can beat winter blues is by looking forward to new things that tomorrow might offer. This way, the brain is primed to becoming optimistic in discovering more things.

This step should be practiced regularly so that parents can stay positive and excited about each day.

Appreciate your surroundings during winter.

Understandably, being nested in bed and sleeping during winter is a pleasant thing to do. However, aside from the cold weather that makes you want to cocoon in bed, there are a lot of other unique aspects about winter that parents can appreciate.

Because of the cold wind and the cozy weather, this is a perfect time for your family to gather around the fire and share stories. If not sharing stories, you can gather around sit together and read your favorite books.

That is surely a unique aspect of winter that families and parents can appreciate to beat winter blues.

Accept that things will not always work out as planned.

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, things are not the way everyone else planned it to be. This reality sometimes makes winter blues even more difficult to bear.

However, learning to acknowledge and accept that not everything is great can be a great step towards beating winter blues.

When parents feel more grounded, then the thought of going through the winter blissfully is no longer impossible.

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