5 Surprising Things Experts Don't Tell You About Hospital Births

Realistically speaking, most pregnant women opt for birthing in the hospital. If you belong to this group and about to give birth, then just read on, so you can have a great and enjoyable experience with your natural birth in the hospital.

You probably won't be allowed to eat.

Most of the hospitals don't allow women who are in labor to eat. With that being said, pregnant women are only limited to clear liquids. The particular policy exists because of the possibility of a C-section. Women undergoing cesarean delivery are at the higher risk for aspirating or vomiting due to the general anesthesia. Thus, doctors usually don't recommend women to eat while in labor, so no food can block the airways of the patients.

You can request for a different nurse.

If you are uncomfortable with your assigned nurse, you can ask for a different attending nurse. You deserve all the right to have your most trusted birth team. Just ask nicely though.

It might take a long time before you can push your baby out.

According to Jessica Anderson, a certified nurse-midwife and the associate service director with The Center for Midwifery, University of Colorado Hospital, some women, especially first- time moms don't realize that "pushing can be lengthy." Sometimes it takes more than five pushes to give birth. Some even take two hours or three hours before they can push their babies out.

Thus, it is very important for the pregnant women to prepare ahead of time. They should take a comprehensive childbirth education class to learn different coping strategies.

You are stronger than you think.

"Giving birth is definitely challenging but after going through with it, women often developed a new understanding of how strong they are," Marcy Tardio, a certified nurse-midwife, said.

You will bleed for a while.

Anderson said after giving birth, women will normally have a bleeding that usually last up to six weeks. However, if you're worried about it in any way, it's okay to contact your health care provider.

Just relax and take a deep breath. Always remember you are stronger than you think. So, you can definitely do it!

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