Plus size is a term often used to coin people who fall under sizes 10 to 30. Though plus size individuals still look beautiful with their curves, there are those that are not sensitive enough to lash out their opinions. A fashion brand got slammed by the plus size community after they tagged one of their plus size model as “whack” and “uncool.”
ASOS, a fashion brand from the UK recently gathered fury as their Instagram post caused outrage among the plus size community. ASOS recently posted a photo of their model, Naomi Shimada, who was wearing a size 16 dress, which looked beautiful on her. ASOS labelled her as “plus size” gathering negative feedback from their consumers.
A photo posted by ASOS (@asos) on Jul 11, 2016 at 3:15am PDT
Commenters from their Instagram posts were outraged as they were upset that she was labelled as “plus size,” when in fact she should only be labelled as average. In order for ASOS to alleviate the tension, they removed the label from their Instagram post, as reported by Daily Mail.
Though it may be the best thing for them to do, they added fuel to the fire as they removed the “plus size” label stating that it is “whack” and “uncool” which made the commenters even furious. ASOS’ move to describe labels as “whack” and “uncool” left the plus size community under the impression that that description was thrown into their direction.
Though some were outraged, there are those that voiced out their opinion stating that there is nothing wrong with being plus size at all. The British plus size model Olivia Campbell recently shed light on the labeling debate as she referred to herself as fat.
During her interview with StyleLikeU which was reported in SELF, it was mentioned that Olivia Campbell does not have any problem with being called fat. She then added that it’s a matter of perspective, self-love and self-confidence.