'Avatar 2' News & Update: James Cameron To Bring New Zealand's Beauty On The Big Screens? Sigourney Weaver NOT The Big Bad

There is no doubt that many are waiting for the sequel to the number one highest grossing film of all time, "Avatar." Unfortunately, it's been over half a decade but "Avatar 2" is still in the dark. So to appease your boredom while waiting for your favorite film, here's the latest scoop we have about "Avatar 2."

Sigourney Weaver Is The New Villain In 'Avatar 2'

Parent Herald previously reported that the two major characters from "Avatar" will return from the dead in "Avatar 2." Stephen Lang's character, the big bad Col. Miles Quaritch, whom everyone believed to be dead, will grace the big screens again in "Avatar 2." Director James Cameron expressed his intentions of working with Lang again with Deadline.

Meanwhile, the kind-hearted doctor who was behind the comprehensive book on Pandora plant, Dr. Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver) may also return in "Avatar 2." GamenGuide started the speculations that Weaver will be the new big bad in "Avatar 2." However, although Weaver's return is confirmed, it is unlikely for the character to be on the opposite side.

The report did not show any proof of Weaver being the new big bad in "Avatar 2." So until then, we will believe that the character will be on the good side when she returns in the "Avatar" sequel.

'Avatar 2' To Feature The Wonders Of New Zealand

On a lighter note, "Avatar 2" director James Cameron is in New Zealand and even stars in its tourism campaign video to show off the country's beauty. It is no secret that "Avatar 2" is set in New Zealand, so fans are looking forward to seeing more of its beauty in the upcoming film.

"He was very generous, he loves New Zealand and he wanted to do something to help us," said Kevin Bowler, tourism New Zealand executive about the "Avatar 2" director. Per NZ Herald, Cameron has been living in the said country for four years while filming "Avatar 2."

Do you believe that Sigourney Weaver is the big bad in "Avatar 2?" Are you happy that the "Avatar" sequel is set in New Zealand? What do you expect to see in the upcoming film? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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