‘Stranger Things’ Is A Must Watch; Here’s Why!

"Stranger Things" has the perfect backdrop! A small town in the 1980s! This backdrop has caught the imagination of many movies in Hollywood. The Netflix Original "Stranger Things" is set in a similar magical suburban setting.

The pulse of the 80s is neatly captured by "Stranger Things." It has a touch which the movies of yesteryear left a print on and yet is so modern that it demands a cult status!

Here's why "Stranger Things" is worth your time:

The credits

You might wonder why we are even talking about the credits. The credits are inevitable which come with all movies and T.V shows and it doesn't really matter. Or does it? The usually perfunctory opening to any series is done away here. The credits of "Stranger Things" are awesome!

In "Stranger Things" the credits are different from what we are used to! Every episode starts off with a gripping sequence and yet remains simple. The credits can be described as technicolor neon-red shapes against a black background. It is filled in with a pulsing synthesizer score. The shapes on the screen come together, to spell out the title of the show, reported CNet.

'Stranger Things' takes a look at the '80s classics

When you watch "Stranger Things" you will often feel that you have seen it somewhere before! The refrences to the '80s are unmistakable. There is always an influence from the classics in most of the scene plots. The main plot of the series is also lurking behind the great classics of the yesteryears.

A group of young boys who take off on an adventure and meet a friend with supernatural powers - this plot does not sound very new! It would seem that the show is a culmination of great classics like "The Goonies," "Stand By Me," "E.T" and "Jaws."

'Stranger Things' can still boast of the novelty it spells

We just told that the show seems like a page each from the classics of the '80s. However, it has a brand new taste. It involves government conspiracies, civilians being monitored, fear of bullies and brand new technology.

So, while "Stranger Things" can be nostalgic, it will keep you in terms with the current times and that makes the show beautiful.

The characters are different and flawless!

"Stranger Things" can boast of unique characters. To cite an example, Winona Ryder plays a role of the manic mom. Every other character in the show stands out. A chubby boy who can't pronounce 'S,' an equally bad jock are characters who can't leave your head. The evolution of the characters is also shown very neatly5. It's not afraid to go dark, reported Tech Times.

'Stranger Things' is dark and mysterious

It's uneasy when the character whom you actually started paying attention to gets killed off. There is absolutely no guarantee which character will make it to the end of the episode. Characters are killed suddenly and unceremoniously.

And the most important aspect of the show is that it is quite mysterious! We will have no clue as to what lengths the characters will go to make things happen their way. We will often have more questions and that will drive us to ask for more from the show.

Perfect Music

The music is appropriate and perfect to get the pulse running. The mood is often set by the back ground score. Right from the credits, it keeps you glued.

Is "Stranger Things" Season 2 worth waiting for? Let time decide. Keep watching for more updates.

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