‘Pokémon GO’ Latest News: Eevee Evolution Trick Restricted; Gen 2 Introducing Umbreon, Espeon, Steelix, Slowking & More Evolved Forms

"Pokémon GO" is ripe with tips, tricks, and unconventional methods that players can use to advance their progress in the game. One of those is the Eevee evolution trick, which has encountered some restrictions recently.

Eevee's evolution into any of its three more powerful iterations -- Jolteon, Flareon, and Vaporeon -- is usually up to chance. "Pokémon GO" players, however, know a trick that allows them to transform their Eevee into their desired evolution. By naming Eevee with Sparky, Pyro, or Rainer, the creature would evolve into Jolteon, Flareon, or Vaporeon despite the game's random setting.

According to Slash Gear, the Eevee evolution trick can now only be used by "Pokémon GO" players for three times, which is one per Eevee evolution. After those three Eevee evolutions, the trick will not work anymore.

"Pokémon GO's" imminent future carries exciting news for more Eevee evolutions. "Pokémon GO" Generation 2 will reportedly introduce Espeon and Umbreon as Eevee's other evolution types, which require a certain amount of friendship level between the Pokémon and its trainer.

Eevee must have a friendship level, or CP level, of 220 or more to evolve into Espeon or Umbreon in "Pokémon GO" Gen 2. An Espeon or Umbreon evolution is also highly dependent on the time of day. Espeon should be evolved in the daytime (from 4 AM to 5:59 PM) and Umbreon's evolution should occur in the nighttime (from 6 PM to 3:59 AM).

Espeon, a Psychic-type Pokémon, has precognitive abilities that allow it to predict its opponent's next attack moves, Parent Herald previously reported. The Dark-type Pokémon Umbreon's most notable defense move is its ability to spray poisonous sweat from its pores.

"Pokémon GO" Gen 2 will also introduce new evolved forms aside from Eevee's Espeon and Umbreon. Reddit user NemoDepa_ listed the Pokémon that will get new evolved forms when the new update rolls out. That includes Golbat (Crobat), Gloom (Bellossom), Poliwhirl (Politoed), Porygon (Porygon2), Onix (Steelix), Chansey (Blissey), Seadra (Kingdra), SlowPoké (Slowking), and Scyther (Scizor).

"Pokémon GO" Gen 2 will release 100 new Pokémon and 86 new moves, Ranked Boost reported. The new Pokémon will include Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Sentret, Hoothoot, Ledyba, Spinarak, Pichu, Togepi, and Cleffa, among others. Head to Ranked Boost's site to see the full list.

There are speculations that the "Pokémon GO" Generation 2 update will also introduce Legendary Pokémon Mew, Mewtwo, Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. There's the upcoming Buddy system feature as well.

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