Xbox Games With Gold Update: Free Games Come ‘I Am Alive,’ ‘The Escapists’ And More Coming To Premium Subscribers In October

Some new updates coming to Microsoft's free games program for its Xbox Live network, Games with Gold, with four new games coming in October for premiums subscribers to Xbox Live Gold; as always, all of the games will be available for Xbox One owners through backward compatibility.

For those unaware or uninformed, Microsoft has a rewards system in place for premium subscribers for its Xbox Live online network. Labeled Games with Gold, the system offers free games to subscribers to the Gold version of Xbox Live, similar to Sony's PlayStation Plus program.

Each month has Games with Gold offer a total of four different titles with differing availability dates, and all games are free and permanent in a user's Xbox Live library once a user downloads them during their availability date. For October, Games with Gold offers another four with two of them set for the Xbox 360 and available on the Xbox One through backward compatibility.

As reported by both Express and Microsoft's own Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb, the Games with Gold October list for Xbox are "Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings" and "The Escapists" for the Xbox One. Meanwhile, Xbox 360 owners will get the Xbox Live Arcade game "I Am Alive" and "MX vs ATV Reflex."

"Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings" is the updated re-release of the original "Super Mega Baseball" by Metalhead Software and will be available for the whole month of October. IT's companion Xbox One Games with Gold title, "The Escapists," is a strategy RPG game featuring stylistic pixelated designs by Mouldy Toof Studios and will be available for free from Oct. 16 to Nov. 15.

For the Xbox 360 Games with Gold update, October marks the availability of "MX vs ATV Reflex," a racing game featuring off-road vehicles by Rainbow Studios which will be free during the first half of the month. The next half of October will see the arrival of "I Am Alive," the apocalyptic survival game from Ubisoft.

All of the titles above will join "Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China," another Ubisoft game and a side entry in the "Assassin's Creed" series, as the remnant from the month of September. Xbox console owners can get their Games with Gold free games from the Xbox store, and may download them as soon as their availability begins in October.

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