‘Pokémon GO’ Guide, Tips & Tricks: The Most Efficient Lapras Counters In Gym Battles

Lapras belongs to the most intimidating Pokémon in "Pokémon GO." The Ice-Type Pokémon is undeniably hard to beat at Gym battles, but it's certainly can be taken down by specific Pokémon varieties.

Lapras' CP, or Combat Points, can go as high as 2980.73, according to Ranked Boost. The Pokémon is strongest against its fellow Ice-Type Pokémon, as well as Water-Types. However, it is weakest against Electric, Grass, Rock, and Fighting-Types.

Hatching a 10 KM Egg is the best method to acquire a Lapras in "Pokémon GO." The monster, however, can also be found in water spawns (canal, dock, harbors, lake, ocean, beach, river, riverbank, stream, wetland, ports, reservoir, and basin) and ice spawns (glacier, grassy areas, ski resorts, and bodies of water).

Though Lapras has weaknesses, only a few Pokémon can really best it in "Pokémon GO" Gym battles. Among those are Arcanine, Machamp, Flareon. Omastar, Golem, and Rhydon.

Arcanine belongs to the most effective Lapras contenders. The Pokémon only sustains 0.8 damages from Ice-Type Pokémon such as Lapras. To beat Lapras in "Pokémon GO" Gym battles, it's best to use Arcanine's Fire Fang (14.88 DPS with STAB) and Fire Blast (30.49 DPS with STAB) move sets, according to Ranked Boost.

Machamp's Karate Chop and Stone Edge are the most efficient moves against Lapras, with 9.38 DPS (damage per second) with STAB and 25.81 DPS, Ranked Boost noted. The damage is more prominent if the Machamp you're using has high CP.

Flareon, one of Eevee's evolutions, can withstand Lapras' attacks as well. Use its Ember (11.90 DPS with STAB) and Fire Blast (30.49 DPS with STAB) move sets to bring down Lapras.

Omastar, on the other hand, can beat Lapras using its Rock Slide (19.53 DPS with STAB). The Pokémon's Water Gun and Hydro Pump moves are powerful, too.

The Ground/Rock-Type Pokémon Golem and Rhydon can both inflict substantial damage on Lapras using their Stone Edge and Earthquake moves. Golem and Rhydon, however, receives 1.25x damage from Ice-Type Pokémon, so their battle with Lapras can be pretty quick.

Lapras, meanwhile, is armed with powerful move sets to fight its opponents in "Pokémon GO." The Pokémon's Frost Breath (13.89 DPS with STAB) and Blizzard (32.05 DPS with STAB) moves inflict the highest amount of damage. Its Ice Shard and Ice Beams moves are its most efficient Gym defender move sets.

Lapras is an effective Gym battle counter to Dragonite, another powerful Pokémon. Learn how to do it here. Stay tuned to Parent Herald for the latest "Pokémon GO" news, tips, and tricks.

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