Motherhood Tales About Raising Toddlers Gone Viral?! How Do New Moms Deal With Tantrum-Throwing Kids

Motherhood tales shared on Lucy Tobin blog post have gone viral. Many new moms reacted and responded on her blog post, sharing their similar experiences of nurturing toddlers.

Lucy Tobin, a Londoner journalist, started a blog to share to the world her sufferings and trials in fostering her son. In her blog, "Run Out Of Womb," she wrote the realities of nurturing a toddler.

In one of her recent posts entitled "You Know You Have A Toddler When," Lucy shared how she realized she was a parent of a toddler. She blogged: "My 'omg I have a toddler' moment wasn't when my 'hey, isn't he a baby?' started negotiating with me (over raisins, not world peace)."

She added that she realized she had a toddler when her favorite car audio was no longer XFM but the three chords of track four of "Children's Favorite Car Music. Due to the real depiction of raising a toddler, the blog post has gone viral, the Daily Mail has learned.

As a new mommy, everything is new to her and still learning. So, she asked new mothers out there, who responded immediately, how they realized they were actually a parent of toddler.

Mommies shared that based on the state of their houses, they realized they had a toddler. Specifically, when miscellaneous things can be found in random places, all over the house and when there is a wooden spoon in the toilet. One mom added that when there are food smears on every wall in the house about 76 cm high, then they are definitely raising a toddler.

Other moms shared how parenthood can be grueling. One comment said that when she was so sleep deprived she tried and unlock the front door with the car remote. One mom also said when she does not look at the clock anymore because she knew the time by what her kid's program has started.

One sneaky new mom said that she grasped she had a toddler when she eat chocolates in secret because she does not want the kids to want what she is eating. Another mom also shared her funny experience of having a toddler, she said that her toddler grabs the breast of her visitor and shouts "booby" and she was so tired she can't even bother to say sorry. However, one comment stood out from the rest. The comment read, "When you're just happy everyone survived the day."

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