‘How To Get Away With Murder” Season Finale Recap [SPOILERS]; Wes Is Not Really Dead? Nowalk Teases Twist for ‘HTGAWM’ 2017 Premiere

The suspense buildup finally led to a shocking reveal for 'How To Get Away With Murder" season finale as questions were answered, yet generated even more ugly questions. First would be: Is Wes really dead? Series co-creator Pete Nowalk teased about another "twist" for "HTGAWM" 2017 premiere.

To think the show "How To Get Away With Murder" could not top Sam's murder reveal, Annalise's shooter reveal, or Rebecca's killer reveal, well the show did. Fans broke Twitter after the shocking twist when Wes Gibbins' badly burned body was #underthesheet.

Let's get to the juicy bits of "How To Get Away With Murder" season finale "Who's Dead?"

"How To Get Away With Murder" season finale opened with Bonnie telling Frank she loves him and she knows he loves her and describing their deep connection, to which she was able to stop Frank from pulling the trigger. On "HTGAWM" "Fire Night," Nate entered Annalise's house followed by Laurel and the house exploded, putting together all the pieces in the previous episodes.

Meanwhile, Rebecca's body "turned up" and Atwood along with 2 other detectives were looking into Annalise as the prime suspect. The fun part is that "How To Get Away With Murder" made viewers believe that Wes was in the precinct negotiating with the police all along and that he was well alive, leaving Nate as the most likely person to be #underthesheet.

Knowing the show, it is not what you think. Third time's the charm: Wes killed Sam, Wes shot Annalise, Wes is under the sheet. However, Annalise (Viola Davis) really didn't know who was #underthesheet, until the big reveal, according to an interview with TVLine.

Killing off Wes will be a game changer for "How To Get Away With Murder," but is he really dead, dead? The demise of this series-regular character, that is Wes, raises more ugly questions than Annalise Keating pillorying a first-time ADA in open court, per Yahoo.

Pete Nowalk, the show's co-creator, sat down for an interview and dished out that there will be another "shocking" twist for 'HTGAWM' 2017 premiere. He was asked if the Mahoneys or Atwood had something to do with Wes' death.

"Yes and yes. Obviously, there's a big investigation going on into Annalise. And it's no coincidence that Wes just happened to testify against the Mahoneys the episode before he died. They both played a pivotal role," Nowalk said in the interview.

Pete Nowalk also added that Wes never really signed the agreement. He simply walked out. So the anonymous tip was someone else.

"That's a big question in our first episode back, and we'll get an answer to that that is really shocking," teased Pete Nowalk. Pretty much, fans will have to sit tight and let Wes' death sink in, as "How To Get Away With Murder" returns January 19.

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