‘Pokémon Sun’ And ‘Moon’ Guide: Catch Jangmo-o Easily & Evolve It Into Hakamo-o & Kommo-o With These Tips

Jangmo-o is one of those monsters in "Pokémon Sun" and "Moon" that is hard to catch but there are some pretty helpful tips on how to acquire one. Here's what players can do to increase their chances of finding Jangmo-o, catch it, and evolve into Hakamo-o and Kommo-o.

According to a "Pokémon Sun" and "Moon" FAQ page, Jangmo-o can be found in the Poni Canyon in Poni Island in both "Pokémon Sun" and "Moon." Players can spot the Dragon-type Pokémon in a grassy patch before reaching the Altar.

Other "Pokémon Sun" and "Moon" players also claimed that they have seen Jangmo-o in Poni Canyon under a tree, which leads to the ponds where TM35 is located. This tree is near the canyon's end and Jangmo-o only has a five percent encounter rate, which requires players to remain vigilant all the time to spot the Pokémon.

When players finally reached Jangmo-o's habitat in "Pokémon Sun" and "Moon," they must use the False Swipe move to capture the Pokémon. After capturing Jangmo-o, players can proceed to evolve it until level 35 to obtain Hakamo-o.

For the Pokémon to transform into its final and legendary iteration, Kommo-o, "Pokémon Sun" and "Moon" players need to reach level 45. Jangmo-o evolutions require maximum happiness, so players need to work on that, too.

Jangmo-o's most notable abilities in "Pokémon Sun" and "Moon" are Bulletproof and Soundproof; the former protects the Pokémon from certain ball and bomb moves while the latter makes the monster safe from sound moves.

Jangmo-o's scaly overcoat, meanwhile, protects the Pokémon from Weather Effects and Power moves like Poison Powder and Sleep Powder, among others, Serebii listed. It's also important to remember that Jangmo-o is weakest against its fellow Dragon types, as well as Fairy and Ice Pokémon, RankedBoost noted. Jangmo-o is most resistant against Fire, Water, Electric, and Grass types.

Pokémon Database describes Jangmo-o as a "valiant" monster because of its unwillingness to turn its back on its opponents in "Pokémon Sun" and "Moon." The Pokémon possesses the pride of a warrior, is humble about its abilities, and is dedicated to training.

Have you caught Jangmo-o yet? Evolved it into Hakamo-o or Kommo-o? Do you have tips on how to catch Jangmo-o aside from the ones indicated above? Share your thoughts below and be sure to follow Parent Herald for the latest "Pokémon Sun" and "Moon" news, guides, and updates.

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