Now that Jon Snow's real parental lineage in "Game of Thrones" was revealed in the Season 6 finale, it would be interesting to see how this will play out in the next season. Jon Snow is the son of a Targaryen, which gives him the birth right to rule the Seven Kingdoms in Westeros. However, Daenerys, his deceased father's sister, is about to embark in a war that would seal her claim to the throne and she has no idea that another Targaryen still lives.
Jon Snow's real parentage was kept a secret including to Jon himself. So, how will he prove that he's a Targaryen in "Game of Thrones" Season 7? There have been plenty of speculations from the show's avid viewers and below are just some of it:
'Game Of Thrones' Season 7: Sam Finds Out Jon Snow Is A Targaryen, Bran Will Help Tell The Truth
It has been shown that Sam, as a maester at the Citadel, he has access to a vast library. One of the documents in these library could the proof that Jon Snow needs, if his best friend Sam could uncover it. Radio Times hints that Sam could be the master storyteller of this whole saga between the Houses.
On the other hand, Bran has already seen Jon Snow's birth and could reveal his abilities to the right people when the right time comes. He might even reveal this to the two most important people that should know -- Jon Snow and Daenerys -- through a dream.
Game Of Thrones' EMILIA CLARKE Speculates On DAENERYS Meeting JON SNOW!
— ComicBook NOW! (@ComicBookNOW) June 27, 2016
'Game Of Thrones' Season 7: Someone Else Knows of Jon Snow's Birth
While Lyanna was giving birth to Jon Snow at the Tower of Joy, there was a handmaid to assist her. Speculations are that she could have heard Lyanna telling her brother, Ned, about asking to keep the baby's identity a secret. If that handmaid is still alive, she could become a key witness for Jon Snow.
In the book version of "Game of Thrones," Ned was not alone when he came up to the tower. He was with the Howland Reed and they left the tower with Ned's biggest secret, per Nerdist. In the book, Reed is still alive and he is the father of Meera, who is currently with Bran. In the TV version, the character was left to tend to the injured and the dead below the tower, and he was badly injured after battling Targaryen men.
'Game Of Thrones' Season 7: Stark Secret Coming To Light; The Future Of The Targaryens
In the book version, Rhaegar Targaryen was depicted as evil by Robert Barantheon, Ned's best friend. But only because Robert was also in love with Lyanna Stark. Other people who know Rhaegar attest that he's a decent Targaryen.
The reason Ned agreed to his sister's wishes is to protect Jon Snow's identity. At that time of his birth, Robert had already overtaken the kingdom and wanted every Targaryen dead. It was Robert who killed Rhaeger in the book.
It's also possible that Jon and Daenerys would have an encounter in "Game of Thrones" Season 7, where they will both discover the truth themselves. Being a Targaryen, Jon Snow should be able to tame one of the dragons right in front of Daenerys.
Jon Snow's birth was a fulfillment of a prophecy. He is the king that would lead the kingdom in the war with the White Walkers, per Us Weekly. When Daenerys finds out the truth about Jon Snow, two things can happen: she's going to kill her nephew or she's going to form an alliance with him by marrying him. Targaryens are known to marry within the family to keep their bloodlines pure.