‘ARK: Survival Evolved' Xbox One V742.0 Patch [LATEST UPDATE]: Studio Wildcard Deploys New The Center Content; Game Developer To Introduce ‘Hell Pigs’?

Following the recent updates in "ARK: Survival Evolved" that made headlines in the gaming realm, Studio Wildcard seems to be lying low with its announcements about the latest improvements in the game. But actually, they aren't! As a matter of fact, Studio Wildcard has been updating its fans through the ARK Community Forums and has announced the launch of the game's Xbox One 742.0 update.

In recent weeks, Studio Wildcard was under fire due to the release of the first paid expansion in "ARK: Survival Evolved" known as the "Scorched Earth" DLC. As previously reported, several gamers and "ARK" fans lambasted the game developer for releasing a paid DLC even though the game is still an Early Access mode.

Despite the criticisms and unfavorable reviews, "ARK: Survival Evolved" active playerbase continually increases. Aside from gaining a stable increase in its number of players and followers, Studio Wildcard has recently boosted the game's content through the release of Xbox One v741.0 patch, which brought several fixes, the Night Vision goggles, two flying creatures and performance improvements.

The "ARK: Survival Evolved" v741.0 update also brought the much-criticized "Scorched Earth" expansion. The patch, however, did not bring an update to The Center map, which include the new Edge of the World and Redwood Island content.

Fortunately, Studio Wildcard lead community manager and associate producer Jat has recently announced the release of "ARK: Survival Evolved" Xbox One v742.0 patch on Sept. 28 via Twitter. As tweeted, the update weighed in at 8.4 GB and brought the highly anticipated The Center map content.

In addition, "ARK: Survival Evolved" Xbox One v742.0 patch also brought an extended map, which is 50 percent bigger) and the South Snow biome and the Redwood Island have been connected. A new boss arena, which can be reached through teleportation, and a massive cavernous area to the Edge of the World area have also been added.

Based on the comprehensive "ARK: Survival Evolved" Xbox One v742.0 patch notes posted on ARK Community Forums, the update also brought massive optimizations, Lava VFX, balance changes and a lot of fixes and secrets. For a more detailed list, check out the post on Studio Wildcard's website.

Meanwhile, aside from the secrets brought by "ARK: Survival Evolved" Xbox One v742.0 patch, Studio Wildcard is also set to add the largest known entelodont species called as Daeodon Comedentis. According to Jat's post on Monday, these ancient mammals are sometimes called as "Hell Pigs" and have several similarities to the modern Hippopotamidae and Suina.

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